Avery does not remember giving herself the nickname "Ace". She will still respond to it, but no longer refers to herself as Ace.
Does it make me sad? Not really, but it does make me a twinge nostalgic for the days when she butchered her words (so sweet), and it was a game to decipher what she was saying. She is very verbal these days, in case you haven't seen her in a while. She uses full sentences and mostly proper grammar (with the exception of the occasional "him's toy" rather than "his toy" to show possession). She can easily carry on a conversation with just about anyone, including Mayor Strange, who she walked right up to and asked to "hold this please" while handing him her blankie. Yeah. Never met a stranger. Although, to her credit, they had actually met once before.
Other things she's into now:
1. Her brother (who she refers to as "my baby john mills"). She kisses my belly and tells him goodnight before she goes to sleep. And she has a present waiting on him when he arrives (a blue blankie that she tested to make sure was up to her standards in softness). Other mom's out there have an idea about a present to her from her brother on D-day? I have read its a good idea to get the older child something from the baby so she won't feel left out. Something relevant, but we already have the big sister t-shirt and all the books. Ideas would be appreciated!
2. School. The kid LOVES school. I hear about her friends, her teachers, the playground, art time, music time, potty time, you name it, she talks about it. I have never seen a kid so happy to go to school.
3. Friends. Jake, Chappell, Riley, George, Liam, Frances, et al, are constantly on her mind, and in her conversations. Her imagination is growing too. She pretend talks to her "friends" and they respond when she is laying in bed. They are the funniest little conversations. She is starting to play pretend doctor and house. So cute. I get to be her patient and sometimes its her daddy or BeBe.
4. BandAids. The child is obsessed with band aids. We have been through a giant box of them because she thinks she needs one hourly.
5. Heaven. I told her that Maggie (dog that died back in January) went to heaven, and that she isn't coming back. This must have just now clicked with her, because she tells me all the time that Hank is sad and wants his friend back. So now, when anything is missing, (my phone, her hair bow, pink blankie, etc.) she tells me it's in heaven. That heaven must be a junky place if all our random lost stuff ends up there.
Avery got to meet and hold Mary Pace on Saturday:
I think she will be a super big sister!