Thanks to Olivia, you (my readers, or whoever is left, and not totally board with baby talk) are so fortunate to get to hear 10 things about me. Let's see:
1. I love rain at night, but HATE it during the day. I also wish everyday were 85 degrees, but I love wearing winter clothes. Too bad you can't have both.
2. I used to be seriously obsessive about germs. Thanks to having a baby, I get snot bubbles rubbed into my shirt and don't notice until a stranger mentions it at the grocery store. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
3. I miss book club in B'ham like whoa. I joined an all male book club to try to fill the void. First meeting is January 14th. I'll let you know how that goes!
4. I have a bizarre fear of saying the wrong thing, and I say the wrong thing all the time!! I am not a wordsmith! Please forgive me if I have ever offended you. TJ even bought me a book called "How to Say it Best". Still, I insert my foot on a daily, if not hourly, basis. I mean well, I really do.
5. Inside Jokes make my day. ("Shut up gul, you ain't got no pants on!")
6. Loves Montgomery! Even the not-so-nice areas.
7. I have no problems doing laundry, but I hate doing dishes. I love a clean house, and my mood is usually reflective of how tidy things are.
8. I love to give baby advice, so if you have any pregnancy, baby, or otherwise strange questions, I'm your Wo-man. I will research and find out if I don't know. It makes me happy that Liv wants more!
9. I love my job! I have time for TJ & Avery, me, and work! I wish everyone could know this feeling!
10. I love acronyms. Seriously, my favorite is USAMRIID (Unites States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases) Yea, I know, I am huge dork.
And, I am going to add an 11th one, since I just thought about it.
11. I hated being pregnant, but I am ready to do it again! (Hold your horses, there is no baby on the way yet, but when the time is right, I will endure the torture all over again, to get a product as wonderfully messy, time eating, sleep destroying, perfect baby Avery.)