Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What We've Been Up To:

Today, Avery is 13 days away from 20 months of age. While it somewhat saddens me that she is growing up so fast, I am also encouraged by the future for our family. Obviously, Avery is the shining star of our lives. She has been very busy lately:
1. Cheering for Auburn and Alabama each Saturday, and dressing accordingly.

2. Swimming at the Dwyers, she can go under, and is starting to figure out this whole "kick" thing.
3. Riding around the neighborhood in the stroller with Mama and Ma in the mornings, and in the afternoons she rides the ranger with Dada.
4. Playing until she drops with Bebbie, MiMi, and Ma on their respective days.
5. Learning the names of everyone in the family, now extended family, and friends.
6. Memorizing animal names and their sounds.
7. Taking great pleasure in dumping all of the UBEE eyes on the floor, daily.
8. Pooping on the potty (first time yesterday) :).
9. Reminding everyone to keep up with their shoes.
10. Trying on everyone's shoes when they "lose" them.
11. Repeating words!!!! (Remember to mind your P's and Q's around this little regurgitator!
12. She is finally sleeping through the night! You have never seen a happier Mama!
13. Protesting every time Mama changes her clothes or diaper or shoes or hair bow, or mind!!!! (She absolutely would not put on a swimsuit at the lake on Saturday???)
14. Convincing Dada, GiGi, and Bebbie that a "pop pop" is the only remedy to a bumped head, skinned knee, temper tantrum, et. al.
My little toddler is becoming her own little person. I love who she is, and I can't wait to see who she becomes! Can you tell I am feeling a bit sentimental today?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Waaaaaaater, Playground, RoRo

Aves went swimming at the Dwyer's again over the weekend. She loves her swimmy floats, but loves the hose even more! Thanks to MiMi for the new sunglasses!

We went to the park on Tuesday, while BeBe was out sick. She adores the slide!!! All I heard the whole day was "side. side. sing!" Which translates to Slide, Slide, Swing!
Grandma (RoRo) is in town again this week for her cataract surgery. So Avery and I took her to get her hair "fixed". RoRo is on the left, and random woman, who thought Aves was hilarious, is on the right. Avery was obsessed with those big old timey hair dryers. Not sure what that's all about, but it made for a super cute photo!
Aves has come up with a new name for some family members:
Ama- "Ma"
G Daddy- "G.G."
Evan- "E"
Cameron- "Woonie"
Grandma- "RoRo"
MiMi, Hope, HaHa, PawPaw, LuLu all kept the same names.
She keeps it simple. Gotta hand it to her for that!
Avery has so many new words under her belt now...It absolutely amazes me. Everyday, she is saying something new! I love it, and I love her more than I ever thought possible!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tea Party, Fire Truck, Dress Up-What More Can A Girl Ask For?

Avery has had many a tea party with her Ama, who she is now referring to as simply "Ma". But this was her first with Mommy. We enjoyed a hot afternoon on the front porch with our tea, and watched the cars go by until Daddy got home. You can tell from this photo how thrilled she was. No really, it was fun! She had a real tea cup and everything! Sometimes she just won't smile on cue!

Yesterday Mom and I took Avery to Target, one of our favorite things to do on a lazy afternoon. The hard part was getting Avery dressed to go. It was Auburn's Thursday night game versus Mississippi State, so we thought it was appropriate to dress in theme. She had just gotten a super cute Auburn Cheerleader outfit from Ms. Sharon, but it was a smidge too big. So I was going to throw on the one from last year....BIG mistake. She threw the mother of all hissy fits. I am sure you can guess who won. That would be the girl with the arm cleavage (see photo).
Yay little homeless looking baby in the Tar-jey. She found that hat and microphone all by herself. Yup, a regular mic-woman. You would think with all her enthusiasm for the outfit, she would want to watch the game. Wrong. She wanted to play in her hidie-hole at Ama and G Daddys. Any guess who is in there with her??
Its Aunt Cam!!! Uncle E went to the game, so Cam, TJ, Mom, Avery, and I ate Indian (all orange foods-in theme of course)and watched the tigers try to give it away.
These next two are from this morning. Avery met Townes (My parent's next door neighbor's grandson)before our walk. There just happened to be a fire truck down the street. Hence the attention no being on the camera.
After the ambulance and fire truck were gone (say a little prayer for the elderly lady down the street), they were on to bigger and better things. Like sharing a pine cone, and saying "dog" over and over, every time "Sam" (neighbor's dog who coincidentally looks a heck of a lot like Heidi) walked by. You can imagine Avery's confusion when Sam comes by and Avery says "Heidi", and we all say "no, not Heidi, SAM."
End of Photo Montage. Wish I had some awesome music to sync it to. Like something from "Wet Hot American Summer". Do they have a soundtrack??? LOVE that movie. And no, its not a porno. Get your mind out of the gutter. If you haven't seen it, and you love quirky humor, you have got to netflix it now!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Popsicles and Omelets

Avery and TJ are on a HUGE Popsicle kick right now. I have been buying the Edy's fruit popsicles, but when we ran out again, I decided I needed to get a little healthier if we are going to consume a box a week. I bought some new kind that is just frozen pureed fruit. I will give their critique after super tonight. But for now, enjoy Avery enjoying a blackberry popsicle!

I am back on the diet train again. I am so tired of dieting, but I am more tired of feeling fat. It is time to get motivated.
Day One I made an egg white veggie omelet:
3 egg whites
1/4 cup green pepper-chopped
1/8 cup red onion-chopped
1/8 cup fat free shredded mozzarella
1/4 cup organic chicken stock
1. Put chicken stock, peppers, and onions in small pan, cook until tender. Remove from heat.
2. Spray pan down with Pam.
3. Mix egg whites, cheese, veggies, and s & p.
4. Add to pan, and cook 4 minutes.
5. Flip one side over the other to create the half moon shape. Cook an additional 4 minutes, flipping half way through.
EAT!!! It was so good, and very filling!
We shall see how long this lasts!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Missing G Daddy

Avery and were missing our G Daddy on Monday, so we played with his legal stickies and sent him this photo:

This is how I make dinner most nights...Avery finds anything she can to "cook". Today's special? DOG FOOD! Notice how more is on the floor than in her pot. Eh, whatev, at least we got to eat a home cooked meal (We ate cuban food, picadillo and homemade salsa with empanadas---not dog food!)
The Williford house is pretty normal these days. We are blessed to be healthy, happy, and satisfied. I am looking forward to the weekend though...Carolyn and Allison's birthday bash at the lake! Photos to come of that!