Tuesday, November 22, 2011

37 week update

I went to see Dr. Desautels today, and we had a little ultrasound to check John Mills' size. Looks like he is right on target weighing in at 6 lbs, 14 oz which should put him at just about 8 lbs by December 5th (only 13 days away!), our scheduled C-section date. Sounds pretty good to me! The only odd thing the ultrasound tech noted what that his hair was very visible and long! I was a baldy when I was born, so it was such a shock when Avery came out with a head full of dark brown hair! So, no telling what John Mills may look like. Genetics are such a crap shoot. As for the rest of me, my blood pressure is normal to low, my gestational diabetes was probably a misdiagnosis (even says Dr. Des now), and I feel pretty good, with the exception of the occasional mood swing. What a different pregnancy this has been! I am still walking around the block, albeit slowly, a few days a week, and I am still under the 30 pound weight gain mark, which is absolutely miraculous (praise the Lord)! With Turkey Day coming up, however, I may blow that last one before he gets here!
I am so thankful for this baby, and I can't wait to spend some quality family time before he gets here! Happy Thanksgiving!

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