Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First, the bad news...

So I show up at the doctor's office, all ready for a happy, see you in a week appointment with Dr. Desautels. But, he isn't there. Strange. They are normally so good about scheduling around the doctor's conflicts. When I see his nurse, Tamara, the sweetest gal you've ever met, she says, "I have some bad news, but go ahead and get me a sample and we will talk in the exam room." So I have 3 minutes to worry that (A.) Joe got hit by a train, or (B.) struck by lightening, or (C.) lost in the stacks at the library (we pregnant women are a tad dramatic, or at least I am.) or (D.) worse. She comes in and in a very overly sensitive way says, "There has been an accident." Again, worst case scenarios are running through my sleep deprived brain. "Dr. Desautels had to have surgery on his hand and will not be able to perform your c-section." Oh. But he is ALIVE? "Yes, he just will be unable to do any deliveries or surgeries for 4-6 weeks." Geez woman. I thought he was swarmed by killer bees or decided to leave his family and obstetrical practice for a "drink the Kool-aid" kind of ride to the moon.
Nope. Nothing nearly that dramatic, but when left to my own devices...
So, Dr. Phillips will now be delivering John Mills, and the time has changed from 12:30 pm to 7:30 am on Monday. Not so bad after all. But, I had you wondering, didn't I.
So ready for this little boy to be here!!!

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