Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lake Weekend

TJ, Avery, Evan, and I went to the lake for Memorial Day. Avery was not feeling great on Saturday, and I had a very difficult time getting her to take a nap. She finally wore herself out and slept pretty good the rest of the weekend! Last night, she woke up twice, but did not require a bottle, she just needed her paci. I am hopeful again this week that this trend will continue, but fully do not expect it to.

Here is the little angel napping away on Sunday. And yes, she is on her back. Not quite sure why she is okay with that now? She still goes to sleep on her belly for night time though.

Her skin has all cleared up too! She had some eczema and baby acne that is all gone! I don't know if I have ever blogged on the disaster the cosmetic industry calls "personal hygiene products". So let me get on a soap box for a second. There are so many known carcinogens in shampoo, lotion, makeup, deodorant, etc. The Cancer Prevention Coalition says this "Cosmetics are the least regulated products under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). The FFDCA does not require pre-market safety testing, review, or approval for cosmetics. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pursues enforcement action only after the cosmetic enters into the stream of commerce or sometimes after it is on the shelf. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found that 884 of the chemicals available for use in cosmetics have been reported to the government as toxic substances." Even things labeled "organic" and "natural" don't have to adhere to any standards, and in fact may contain just as many chemicals as the non-organics. Please read your labels, especially in baby care products, and by only the best for your children. They may be more expensive, but in the long run they are much safer, and better for the environment. Ok, that being said, when I stopped using lotion on Avery's skin, her eczema went away in less than a week! More tomorrow on the brands that are safe.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

please share the ones you've found that are safe! I had no idea...