Monday, January 26, 2009

Please don't tell me, "It's almost over!"

1. Apparently, pregnancy related insomnia is a very common ailment. And I have it. It's not so much that I can't sleep, its that I cannot get comfortable enough, and when I do, I have to get up to go to the bathroom every hour. So, unfortunately for those around me, I am miserable when I am awake and when I am trying to sleep.

2. I am so sick and tired of hearing people say, "You are almost there!". "I really want to hit you." has become my response. I appreciate that you are trying to be encouraging, but instead, you are reminding me, as if I need a reminder, that I am miserable and it shows. Another offensive line to throw at a pregnant woman is, " You haven't had that baby yet?". Seriously? That doesn't even warrant a response. Probably the only thing a very pregnant woman wants hear is, "Would you like something to eat?"

3. I think I had my first boost of energy yesterday. I didn't sleep Saturday night either, but I felt like going to Granny's 85th birthday party in Atlanta. I am so glad I went, and we had a great time. It was also our bon voyage trip for Partner. He is now residing with Aunt Patty. They are the perfect match! I think it was love at first sight!

4. On a more positive note, I go back to the doctor on Wednesday, and hopefully we will have made more progress. I will keep you posted. Maybe, I will feel better tomorrow.