1. We left Avery overnight!!!! My mother in law kept her at our house so TJ and I could go to Birmingham for Morgan's wedding. It was beautiful, and I didn't freak out at all! (Well, actually that's not true. When I woke up Sunday morning, I could have sworn I heard Avery doing her signature start up cry..."uh...uh....wahhhh" and it jolted me out of the bed. Obviously it wasn't her. That's when I got a little sad, and wanted her there with me.) But other than that, it was a great time! The wedding was beautiful, Morgan looked like a million dollars (as usual), and I got to do the one-two step. Someone email me the pics!! I know y'all took a ton.
2. Avery found her feet on Friday! It was at her Mimi's house and then she did it for us when she got home! 
3. She put her paci back in her mouth all by herself! (The "Soothie" brand pacifiers are the best! She is addicted to hers. We can't leave home without it.)

While we were in Birmingham, TJ and I went shopping. (Yeah, crazy I know, but TJ actually went into "Janie and Jack" with me.) We bought her the cutest white cotton outfit that has a little blue and white striped bow on the collar (see photo below). TJ got her a birthday present (yes, even though it is 8 months away). He picked out a little zip up red sweater that has hearts on it, since her birthday is right before Valentine's day.
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